“A New Way Forward for the 21st Century.” ™



The Islam in America Movement is a is a civic and spiritual engagement organization. The Movement was established in the United States of America in 2008 with the following goals and objectives:
  • To reclaim and enhance the image, perception and representation of Islam and Muslims in 21st century America
  • To engage in results-oriented dialogue with other groups and organizations in order to strengthen and support comprehensive community development initiatives and projects throughout the United States
  • To empower Black American Muslims as full participants in the development of Islam in 21st Century America particularly in the communities where they live, serve and work
The Movement strives to attain these goals and achieve these objectives by:
  • Holding public discussions, lectures, symposiums, etc. to educate the American public about Muslims and the Islamic experience both historically and contemporarily in in 21st Century America
  • Developing a national Media, Communications and Public Relations initiative aimed at proactively engaging the American media
  • Contributing to the continued work of organizing and mobilizing Muslims in America, individually and collectively, in areas of leadership through service for the benefit of humanity and society-at-large